raising kids right

If you asked me to tell you about one thing that I’ve learned from our adoption process so far, today I would tell you that there are some very generous people in this world. A few months ago I was taking photos for a sweet family and as I was preparing to leave I was…

three months waiting

Last week was month three on our agency’s wait list. There isn’t really anything new to report from last month, and there probably won’t be anything new until we get our referral but I still like making a point of noting the day. It reminds me of when I was pregnant with Raeca and constantly…

two months waiting

In the midst of this busy week we reached two months on the adoption referral waitlist. Though from my understanding we really haven’t moved up on the list at all from last month which is a bit of a bummer (do people still use the word bummer?). Despite the news of not moving up on the…

an opportunity to help

If you are familiar with the online adoption world chances are you have heard about a wonderful website that was created just 11 months ago –Give1Save1. What started out small has really turned into a movement (and it’s about to get a lot bigger in just a little while). Beth Cupitt was the brains behind…