are they leaving again? a pretty big FOSTER CARE UPDATE
Life has been crazy in the foster care world lately so I thought I would give an update!
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Life has been crazy in the foster care world lately so I thought I would give an update!
Apparently I am just loving all the things lately so here I am brining you a list of things that are brining me joy in February.
It’s time for another monthly picture book list! You can see all the monthly book lists here. I know we aren’t even halfway through the year yet but I’m already imagining doing a list of monthly chapter books for next year. That would be harder to create though, thankfully I’ve started thinking about it early! Because…
In case you noticed, I didn’t post a homeschool week in review for last week. We ended up having some sickness go through our house so we didn’t do a lot on the school front so I figured I would combine two weeks and so I will share the next update at the end of…
A couple of weeks ago Raeca planted wildflowers in a couple of little pots and while we were sitting on the deck doing the planting I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of seeds I am planting now. Am I planting seeds of encouragement, forgiveness and love or impatience, anger and fear? I know from experience that…
This last year I have gotten more into seasonal reading. Last year I shared monthly themed picture book lists here on the blog and this year I wanted to share seasonal chapter book lists. Most of the books on these lists will be what are considered “middle grade” reads which are generally for 8-12 year…
Here we are at the end of monthly book lists! I can’t believe how fast this year went by! For this month’s book list I wanted to stick with the reason behind this season and focus on books that prepare us for the Christmas season. I am always looking for more great Christmas books that…