CRAFT STORAGE DECLUTTER & ORGANIZATION – a chatty declutter about friendships & intentional living
The decluttering continues! This time I am going through all my craft stuff and decluttering and majorly organizing.
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The decluttering continues! This time I am going through all my craft stuff and decluttering and majorly organizing.
Here’s a little review on the no spend month I did in February! LINKS No Spend Month Announcement: …
It was about time I cleaned out, declutter and organized our hallway closet!
Every year I like to create a list of independent reads for my daughter (and will do the same for my son once he is reading on his own). She never reads every book on the list but I enjoy making it nonetheless. My main goal of the independent reading list is to push her…
This last year I have gotten more into seasonal reading. Last year I shared monthly themed picture book lists here on the blog and this year I wanted to share seasonal chapter book lists. Most of the books on these lists will be what are considered “middle grade” reads which are generally for 8-12 year…
A couple of years ago I would take time at the beginning of each month to look ahead and see what picture books were all coming out that month that we were looking forward to reading and then wrote a blog post about it. I thought it would be fun to do that again but…
It’s been nearly two weeks since Jared was diagnosed with celiac disease and I thought I would share a little bit about what we’ve learned. First of all, the main offenders containing gluten are: wheat, barley and rye but they can hide in foods under other names like: starch, dextrose and glucose, maltodextrin, and malt…