live simply . . .

I have to admit, I’ve been feeling rather stressed lately. This week we say good bye to our savings account and financial security as I knew it. I’m finding it much harder than expected. We were fortunate to have enough savings to pay for about 1/3 of our adoption and I have lately found my…

chugging along

Hey guys, I’m excited to say that we are almost done getting our dossier together! We are waiting for one reference, need to get some passport photos taken (doing it this weekend), get all our papers notarized (also this weekend) and  have one final home study meeting! When I write it out it still seems like…

raeca {18 months}

Okay, the truth is, she’ll be 19 months this week, but the weather in good ol’ Sask was not cooperating with me to get these photos taken. Raeca is definitely developing a personality and I am pretty sure she has entered the “terrible two’s” -at least I’m hoping these are the terrible two’s! She is…