lampshade re-do

Hi Friend! I hope you had an excellent Labor Day weekend! (What Labor Day is I really have no idea, I just love any day that lets Jared stay home from work!) Remember me mentioning in this post how I really needed to give this lampshade a new cover? Well, I finally did it! I…

raising kids right

If you asked me to tell you about one thing that I’ve learned from our adoption process so far, today I would tell you that there are some very generous people in this world. A few months ago I was taking photos for a sweet family and as I was preparing to leave I was…

three months waiting

Last week was month three on our agency’s wait list. There isn’t really anything new to report from last month, and there probably won’t be anything new until we get our referral but I still like making a point of noting the day. It reminds me of when I was pregnant with Raeca and constantly…


recent reads

I have always had a dislike for the back cover of books. I almost always refuse to read the brief summary of the book before I have read at least half of it. Some books have a synopsis so detailed there is almost no point to reading the actual book. A lot of the books I read…



A few weekends ago we headed up to Waskesiu for Saturday and Sunday with my Dad’s family to celebrate my Grandma and Grandpa’s 50th anniversary. It is nice because my Dad’s family is fairly small and most of us live within a few hours of each other in Saskatchewan (with the exception of an aunt, uncle…