It’s Been 10 Years Since I’ve had a Baby This Young (AKA We Said Yes to Another Placement)

About two weeks ago I got a call from our social worker asking if we would be willing to accept another foster care placement. According to her they were planning on shutting down some emergency homes due to COVID-19. We agreed to have kids presented to us and we could decide on an individual basis…

20 Educational (Mostly Science) Videos We’ve Been Watching in Our Homeschool Lately

During this time of sustained social isolation we’ve been turning to YouTube more than usual. We’ve always enjoyed a good (usually educational) video on YouTube but now without the ability to really do much outside the house we’ve definitely increased our YouTube consumption. I don’t really feel too bad because 1) these are weird times…

Reading The Land of Stories, Emily of New Moon and Trying a Chapter

Well, this was a weird week in the world! Thankfully I’m stocked with books and can continue Middle Grade March and reading for months without worrying about running out of materials! What are you reading these days?     BOOK OUTLET REFERRAL LINKS (US) (Canada) *If you haven’t ordered BookOutlet there before you…