Akanyijuka - School for Orphaned Children in Uganda

uganda {akanyijuka}

The word “Akanyijuka” (pronounced ahh-can-jew-kah) is Ruchiga and means He remembered me. I absolutely love that meaning. Akanyijuka Children’s Home is a home in Bubaare, Uganda (pronounced boo-ball-eh, or if you are from the UK boo-bar-eh, which actually makes more sense based on the spelling but in Uganda their r’s and l’s are all messed up)….

uganda {some stats}

uganda {some stats}

One of the first thing that hit me about Uganda were all the people. They are everywhere. People walking, people on bicycles, people on motorbikes, people standing outside their shops, people selling things, people sitting around . . . Uganda is 1/3 of the size of Saskatchewan and yet the population is 34 million (with…