FEBRUARY READING WRAP UP – all the books I read, lots of ebooks this month!
February was a bit of a different reading month for me!
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2020 has come to a close and I thought it would be fun to document reading my last book of the year and a few books I added to my January TBR. Plus I’m sharing some book-ish things I got for Christmas and my (accidental) plan to read the Bible in 60 days. …
It’s time for another book review! The Prairie Thief is a book I have been meaning to read for a long time. I got the book out from the library a few times but never made it a priority to read until recently. Also, I want to note: the first time I took the book…
If you have a little one in your home that is into building things you’ll love these picture books! I often find myself wondering what my kids will chose to “do” or “be” when they grow up. I’m definitely not going to force them to do anything but I like looking for their strengths and…
Grade two is such a fun age for read aloud novels! The books I’m sharing in today’s list are really good for a variety of ages. We’ve actually listened to six of them on audio this year while Raeca is in grade one, she enjoyed them and so did I. Some of the themes went…
My TBR cart has been looking a little sad lately and was in need of some books added to it!
Oh look, another library haul! Guys, so many books and only so little time. Which of these do you think I should read and/or would enjoy?