💌 a beginner’s PEN PAL GUIDE 💌 how to find a pen pal, what to include – everything you need to know!
I often get asked questions about my pen pals – how did I find them, what do I include, etc, so here’s a pen pal guide for you!
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For my birthday last week my wish was to go on a little day trip and see a place in Saskatchewan that I’d never been. I chose Cochin, to see Saskatchewan’s only lighthouse. If you know anything about Saskatchewan, you know we are a land locked province, so the idea of a lighthouse is kind…
Yesterday my mom reminded me that today is one year since Raeca had her sagittal craniosynostosis corrective surgery. I knew the one year anniversary was coming but didn’t realize how quickly. I know I’ve explained this before but for those that don’t know, sagittal craniosynostosis is a condition where a baby’s soft spots grow closed too quickly…
I enjoy keeping track of the publication date of the picture books we read and doing a round up of the best books from each year. Earlier in 2018 I wrote two lists: a part one and then part two of our favorite 2018 picture books thus far. Then, at the beginning of the year…
We have a relaxed, minimalist homeschool style that I wanted to share about today and hopefully give other the confidence to …
Most of you know that orphans is where my heart is at. Since I was a teenage I have dreamed about starting my own children’s home for orphans. I could throw facts and resources at you all day long in this category -but maybe I’ll just break it into a few different posts. My friend…
To me the month of April just vibes all things flowers and gardening* so that is the theme of this month’s book list. Well, flowers and gardening and Easter and new life – I plan on having a separate Easter book list up soon because every few years it falls in March and that can…