
Meeting Ephraim

It’s crazy to think that it’s been over a week since we first met Ephraim, he has come out of his shell so much in the last week, he doesn’t seem like the same kid we first met. Saturday morning came early for us since we were still tired from our journey over. But we…


The Journey Here

Wednesday, November 12th we sent off to leave cold and snowy Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to travel the 40 hours to warm and lush Durban, South Africa. Thankfully our journey was completely uneventful and Raeca had a decent amount of sleep on the planes, she’s always been a great little traveler. Like I previously shared we went…


Here We Go!

It’s airplane day (as Raeca would say)! This afternoon we start our 36 hour journey from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to Durban, South Africa. (Actually, if you count our travel to the airport and time spent waiting for our first flight it will be a 40 hour journey.) We are set to arrive in Durban at 12:05pm…

Adoption Resources

It seems fitting to me that November is Adoption Awareness Month, it’s pretty much all that’s been on my mind lately anyway. Today I just wanted to share some of my favorite online adoption resources and information. TO READ IF SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS ADOPTING Why You Cannot Hold My Daughter by Lauren at Mercy…