aaaannnd SHE’S BACK – the foster care rollercoaster continues
Just another little update in our foster care journey for you! You can read more about our journey with BB8 here.
Just another little update in our foster care journey for you! You can read more about our journey with BB8 here.
Well, it was definitely time for a bit of a fostering update! Thanks so much for your prayers during our foster care journey. You can check out our foster care timeline here. (I guess it’s a bit outdated now, I’ll update that soon!) As well, you can read a bit more about BB8 and our…
I’ve got another foster care update for you today! All I can say is that the system is unpredictable and I try not to be surprised and just plan for anything and everything to happen!
I wanted to share a little bit of a foster care update today and answer a couple more foster care questions I get asked. Question I will be tackling included: what do the kids call you? what does the timeline look like for going home/how much notice do you get? what if you don’t agree…
This month marks two year since we started the process to be approved to be a foster family. It’s crazy how much life has changed and the number of kids in our home has gone up and down since then! And now we are approaching the time in the lives of our current foster kids…
I thought I would share a bonus video this week with a bit of a fostering update. Plus, I’m sharing a few of my favorite fiction books that have foster care themes. We’ve been fostering for just over a year and a half right now and all of my other updates have been via blog…