FEBRUARY LIBRARY HAUL & TBR 🏛️ huge library haul with so many good books I want to read in February
Oh look, another library haul!
Guys, so many books and only so little time. Which of these do you think I should read and/or would enjoy?
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I enjoy the library and we use it to the max but there are some books a family should just own. When you own books you read them again and again and without even knowing it you begin to form a family culture around the books you read. Ephraim’s favorite book for the longest time…
Oddly I didn’t really take any pictures of the books I read in November, so here’s a photo of a library in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands instead. Add that to my to-travel list . . . I’ve been thinking a lot about goals for 2019 and I one of my reading goals for the year is…
Today I am sharing some of the best chapter books for boys (in my opinion). Ephraim loves these novels so they are kid approved too! These novels are perfect for boys but most girls will enjoy them as well! This video is a collaboration with Challice from Sodbuster Living, please head over to her YouTube…
My fourth grader loves to read but goes through spurts where she reads a ton and then weeks where she doesn’t read much. I pretty much do the same so I totally understand. Lately she has been reading a ton of books so I thought I would share some of her recent favorites. She can…
For the first time this year I have been trying to make more of an effort to read books seasonally. I made a list of fall-ish books to read in the autumn a few months ago and have been thinking a lot about a winter list ever since. This list includes books that I have…
Here’s my most recent library TBR! In the future I plan on doing these a little more frequently since that makes sense for when I pick up books and they need to be returned. 📚 View and join my TBR on Hey Reader here. ☕ Join me on Patreon!