I miss Africa
Just sitting here this morning thinking about how much I miss Africa, mainly the people and the lively Sunday morning church. I can’t wait until the day we get to go back.
with love,
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2014. This has been quite the year for us (and there are still a few weeks left). I’ve loved 2014. My phone that I’m typing this on just auto corrected that to I’ve “lived” 2014, and I feel that is spot on. Looking back on this year makes me think of Ephesians 3:20: all glory…
It seems I am still digesting all the lessons I learned from our trip to Uganda in February. We’ve been back for six months and I feel like I am still learning. One day on our trip Michelle needed to go to the local market to buy some new shoes for the boys at the…
I thought I’d take some time today to show you some random snippets of photos from our time here. this photo is pretty cool because this is the original but since my photos auto back up to Google+ and sometimes it takes photos that have multiple shots and finds the best smiles from each and combines…
Last month we went with my family to bring my brother out to Bible school in BC, we were able to take a couple days and make a little trip out of it. I always enjoy going through the mountains but at the same time I have a slight fear of them, maybe I am…
Early in the winter we knew that we wanted to escape a little of the Canadian prairie winter and made plans to take an all-inclusive trip to a warm location in January. January is usually our coldest month here with temperatures usually below -20 and with -40 being fairly common. Not surprisingly winter depression often…
An alternative title for this post was: the trip where I forgot to pack my toothbrush and my purse. Honestly, I’m the worst at packing. On different trips I’ve forgotten: deodorant, make up, my flat iron, phone charger and now my toothbrush and purse (writing that down it appears as though personal hygiene isn’t something I…
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I miss Africa too….so badly!!!