MEMORY KEEPING IDEAS 📷 different ideas on how to record your memories as a family
I see myself as the memory keeper of the family and I’ll be honest, I’m a little behind in this area so I thought I would share some …
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For the last month and a half I’ve been on a mission that I have dubbed: The Great Purge of 2014. When the new year dawned it was like something woke up inside me and I realized just how much stuff I have! How did I accumulate this? And, more importantly, why am I keeping it?…
So, I thought it would be interesting to document some of the ways the Coronavirus has been changing our life. I’m curious if when we look back years from now this will just be a little blip in our lives or if it will have affected every day life. When I was a teenager I…
Lists of things to do before one’s next birthday are all the rage these days. I’ve been making them for years but have always been afraid to make them public for fear of the humiliation I will feel when I fail to check off each item on my list. But I today I am facing…
So, Jared and I have officially launched our podcast! We’d love for you to listen/watch either via YouTube or via a podcast platform.
Hey guys, I know I don’t normally share homeschool stuff here but this is what has been on my heart lately!
I have been on a big World War II reading kick in my own life lately. History never interested me when I was younger but these days it seems like I can’t get enough! I’ve found that I really enjoy reading about history through historical fiction books (and some really good non-fiction ones too). While…