MEMORY KEEPING IDEAS 📷 different ideas on how to record your memories as a family
I see myself as the memory keeper of the family and I’ll be honest, I’m a little behind in this area so I thought I would share some …
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It’s time for another monthly picture book list! You can see all the monthly book lists here. I know we aren’t even halfway through the year yet but I’m already imagining doing a list of monthly chapter books for next year. That would be harder to create though, thankfully I’ve started thinking about it early! Because…
Last week I suddenly decided I needed to take a little break from Instagram. I was just feeling hamster wheel-ish inside, so Wednesday afternoon I decided Friday would be my last day on for two weeks and I instantly felt lighter. It’s funny because I didn’t even do anything actually different other than decide to…
A couple of weeks ago Raeca planted wildflowers in a couple of little pots and while we were sitting on the deck doing the planting I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of seeds I am planting now. Am I planting seeds of encouragement, forgiveness and love or impatience, anger and fear? I know from experience that…
Welcome to podcast episode 3 where we talk about craving rest and solitude vs. isolation.
It’s time for me to set a new round of goals for my birthday, here’s what I have come up with and some reflection questions I ask …
Every year I like to create a list of independent reads for my daughter (and will do the same for my son once he is reading on his own). She never reads every book on the list but I enjoy making it nonetheless. My main goal of the independent reading list is to push her…