MEMORY KEEPING IDEAS 📷 different ideas on how to record your memories as a family
I see myself as the memory keeper of the family and I’ll be honest, I’m a little behind in this area so I thought I would share some …
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We have a relaxed, minimalist homeschool style that I wanted to share about today and hopefully give other the confidence to …
Middle grade books are admittedly some of my favorites to read. Both when I was in middle school and now as an adult. My only regret is that I hardly read any classics when I was in middle school. I have been remedying that problem as an adult and have read a lot of great…
I’ll be honest, Thanksgiving doesn’t get it’s due in our home. First of all, in Canada, Thanksgiving falls on the second Monday of October, personally I think it’s too early in the fall season for the celebration, plus my daughter’s birthday is on the 2nd of October so we are always thinking about that and…
I’m continuing the STEM theme from the last few weeks with 21 of the best STEM books for kids. There are a number of the typical picture books on this list and then some great non-fiction books as well. I’m also hoping to share some of our favorite (non-book) STEM related resources soon too, so…
Welcome to Foster Care Awareness Month! Today I wanted to share some thoughts on questions for those who are thinking of …
An alternative title for this post was: the trip where I forgot to pack my toothbrush and my purse. Honestly, I’m the worst at packing. On different trips I’ve forgotten: deodorant, make up, my flat iron, phone charger and now my toothbrush and purse (writing that down it appears as though personal hygiene isn’t something I…