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Monthly Scripture Writing Challenge: Thankfulness

October is right around the corner and I’m a little ahead of the game this month with the Scripture writing challenge.

Like I mentioned last month the theme for October is Thankfulness.

I’ll speak for myself here: I am a selfish, greedy person. If I’m not careful I can easily forget that everything I have is thanks to God.

It can be all too easy to get into the entitlement trap and think that I deserve what I have (the good stuff of course).

But that isn’t how things work.

I need to remember that and come to God with a humble heart and with thanksgiving.

And since Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated this month is seemed like the perfect time for a thankful themed Scripture Writing Challenge.

You are more than welcome to join in on the challenge with me this month or any month you want. For that reason I am making sure the challenges always have 31 verses/passages that way no matter when people choose to join in there will be enough days for the entire month.


Thankful Scripture Writing Challenge - Bible verses about Thankfulness


To get the printable Scripture writing challenge just sign up here and you’ll get an email with info on how to access all the freebies on this site:


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If you are going to do the Scripture writing challenge, either this month or any other, I would love it if you would leave me a comment and let me know so I can be praying for you and your family during the month.

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