🧺 my SUMMER MOTHER MORNING BASKET 🧺 books and resources I am using to continue my growth as an adult
Here’s a look into what I have in my Mother Morning Basket for this summer! MENTIONED Bible Recap: https://amzn.to/3Q4X0Rg …
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Every year I like to create a list of independent reads for my daughter (and will do the same for my son once he is reading on his own). She never reads every book on the list but I enjoy making it nonetheless. My main goal of the independent reading list is to push her…
It’s been awhile since an official blog post, apparently my YouTube videos were attempting to auto post here but failing miserably. So, let’s be brief, here’s what’s been happening: APRIL: Jared became a pastor/elder in our church! It’s been in the making for awhile but it still feels a little surreal. MAY: our little foster…
I did not anticipate how hard this book list would be to write. There are so many Easter picture books about chicks and bunnies and chocolate but unfortunately very few about Christ . . . And He’s the reason for the celebration! Anyway, I did manage to include some books on this list some of…
Lists of things to do before one’s next birthday are all the rage these days. I’ve been making them for years but have always been afraid to make them public for fear of the humiliation I will feel when I fail to check off each item on my list. But I today I am facing…
I probably should have bought stock in this company years ago but a few Christmases ago (is ‘Christmases’ a word/how you spell that? I’m too lazy to look it up) Jared bought me a gift that has changed my life. And I’ve gone on to tell so many people about it and I know many…
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for some time now, a lot of people come to this blog after searching sagittal craniosynostosis so I thought I would take the time to write out Raeca’s story. I know the first thing I did when we were given the diagnosis of sagittal craniosynostosis was Google it…