COZY WINTER FAVORITES – things I’m enjoying and are making this winter a cozy one
I have been trying my best to embrace winter this year and here are some things that have been making it more enjoyable!
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Ladies, Let’s gather the courage to be nice to each other. Let’s remember that often timidity, snobbery or gossip, is actually a cloak for insecurity. Let’s try to be the first ones to smile, to say hello and introduce ourselves. Let’s be the ones to build others up. Let’s be the church, the hands and…
Hey guys, I know I don’t normally share homeschool stuff here but this is what has been on my heart lately!
I don’t know what the weather is like where you are but fall came early here this year, we started having fall-like weather in the last two weeks of August! I know that autumn means different things depending where you live, those in more southern regions don’t truly experience fall until the dead of winter while…
Welcome back to the second installment of my educational gift guide series! Today I wanted to share some of my favorite gift ideas for kids in elementary. Once again the things on this list are things we either own and love or are really high on my to-buy-very-soon list. I could have shared way more…
I just wanted to pop in with a quick little Christmas post today. We’re celebrating our family Christmas a day early due to other family get togethers so this morning is officially our Christmas. Last night the kids unwrapped a family gift (it’s always a board game but some how they always forget that) so…
Okay friends, let’s just dive right in to this new series: Living a Life of Less. I’m super excited about this and honestly, could hardly decide which category I wanted to begin with. I’ve chosen food but even that will probably include more than just this one post overtime. So much of this series was inspired…