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twenty-eight things

Next week marks my twenty-eighth birthday. As has been my tradition for the last few years, I’ve written a list of twenty-eight things I would like to accomplish this year. You can also check out last years list of twenty-seven things and my list of twenty-six things. I’ll be posting an update to let you know how I did on the twenty-seven things later next week, and if you are curious how the year of being twenty-six was for me you can see my final update for that one.

My list of twenty-eight things:

  1. travel to South Africa and complete our adoption (please, please, please let this happen!)
  2. have professional photos taken of our family of four (or five)
  3. move –somewhere, anywhere (I thrive in change, and kinda love moving)
  4. start something I’ve dubbed the hospitality project – more on that to come in the weeks ahead
  5. get my 2013 photobook printed – you can see the previous three years here
  6. go on a three month spending freeze – I have no idea if I could actually do this
  7. go camping
  8. run a 5K – I’m signed up for the Color Me Rad in September
  9. photograph my grandparents and document some of their stories
  10. register for a bloggers conference or The Beloved Society’s glampout
  11. photograph at least one dessert/meal/food item a month
  12. start growing my own herbs again, and actually use them
  13. find a place to start volunteering again
  14. eat more real food
  15. teach Raeca all her letter sounds
  16. go on at least six dates with Jared
  17. go to Europe – okay, totally throwing this one out there, it won’t happen but one has to dream, right?
  18. make some amazing gluten free bread or buns
  19. get a clear idea of what I want this space to look like and be about and write it down
  20. buy Raeca an amazing birthday cake this year, for her the birthday is all about the cake
  21. eat more meals outside
  22. get a globe
  23. go on five day/weekend trips around Saskatchewan
  24. decorate our master bedroom
  25. take a class
  26. write another ebook
  27. set a profit goal for the blog to help with the adoption costs
  28. keep dreaming

P.S. I have just started to use my Facebook page for the blog again, come on over and join the fun!

Do you make goal lists every year?
What are the top one or two things you would like
to accomplish/have happen in the next year?

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  1. I love this list and lists in general. They are the best way for me to get things done! Praying that the Lords plan will unfold for your adoption and that you’ll see that journey wrap up. And ps, it’s always about the cake ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. You should check out Allume in October for a conference! I’m all signed up and can’t wait! Plus I’m really nervous and it would rock if someone was there I kind of already knew!! Ha!

    1. Oh I so wish! Because we are supposed to be travelling to South Africa sometime this year I can’t really plan anything . . . it’s really driving me crazy. I like to dream and have big plans!

  3. You have so many great things you are working towards during your 28th year! I turn 29 this August… this list is a good reminder to check back in with my own birthday ‘to do’ list, and see what I need to work harder to achieve. I can’t wait to hear more about the hospitality project ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. this is a neat idea! ๐Ÿ™‚ happy early birthday!!!! eat more meals outside – love this idea! and i hope you get to Europe!!!

  5. love them all!! can’t even tell you my favorites, bc they’re all good! might be stealing some for my list next month:)

    1. Your lists always inspire ME girl! I totally went through your blog looking for ideas for this list ๐Ÿ™‚ and then I realized you’ve done some huge things in the last few years and there is no way I can add some of them to my list.

  6. What an awesome list! Happy early birthday! Oh how I hope you are going to get your baby as well! Can’t wait to hear how your 5k and the bloggers conference goes!

  7. I’ve always wanted to create a goal list for each month but I never do. I really need to make that a priority. I hope that you are able to accomplish all of your goals and more! โ™ฅ Happy (early) Birthday!

    1. It’s my plan to make monthly goals starting in June, and I’m hoping to add a few of these items to each month and hopefully I can get them all done this year!

  8. I absolutely love this tradition of writing goals based on your age. Even though my birthday was a month ago I think I may have to write down some things I am sure to accomplish in the next 11 months. Thanks for the great idea!

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