if you are thinking of fostering, this is for you – FOSTER CARE AWARENESS MONTH
Welcome to Foster Care Awareness Month! Today I wanted to share some thoughts on questions for those who are thinking of …
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Welcome to Foster Care Awareness Month! Today I wanted to share some thoughts on questions for those who are thinking of …
An alternative title for this post was: the trip where I forgot to pack my toothbrush and my purse. Honestly, I’m the worst at packing. On different trips I’ve forgotten: deodorant, make up, my flat iron, phone charger and now my toothbrush and purse (writing that down it appears as though personal hygiene isn’t something I…
I love taking time to notice the year a book is published and I am noticing such a great trend in picture books. 2019 was a good year for picture books. I’ll admit, we didn’t read as many published in 2019 books at the end of the year but there were so many great ones…
Here’s a little review on the no spend month I did in February! LINKS No Spend Month Announcement: …
I’ve got another foster care update for you today! All I can say is that the system is unpredictable and I try not to be surprised and just plan for anything and everything to happen!
I’ve been hosting a Wednesday evening homeschool chat over on Instagram since the beginning of June and this month we are chatting all things books! (One of my absolutely favorite topics ever.) We started this month by chatting about picture books. I asked people to share their three favorites. How many people do you think…
An alternate title I had for this post was: What Have We Gotten Into? We are just three months into our fostering journey and I wanted to write a post with some random, honest thoughts, similar to the one I wrote after the first month. I don’t know what the average length of placement is for…