UNHAULING BOOKS: these books have to go!
I’ve never done an unhaul video before but today that’s changing.
There are a number of books I wanted to get rid of so I thought I would make a video on it because apparently that’s a thing.
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I read some really great books this week, some of which are probably going to go down as some of my favorite books of the year! Want to help pick out a book for my TBR each month? Sign up for my Book-ish Newsletter!
We are going to be taking it fairly easy this summer (we all need a little time to decompress) but we wouldn’t be true to ourselves if we didn’t have a summer reading list in place. I’ve gathered some chapter books that I’d love to read aloud to my daughter this summer, I’m not sure…
I’m so excited that Middle Grade March is here! This week I dove in to my (mostly middle grade) March TBR. BOOKTUBER MENTIONED: Lovely Day with Holly OTHER LINKS: MY BOOK-ISH NEWSLETTER 2020 READ YOUR BOOKSHELF CHALLENGE MY MASTER TBR
Today I’m sharing some potentially unpopular opinions about Christian romance novels. These are some things I’ve been convicted about in the last number of years and I would like to see a higher standard of Christian books being published in the next few years. Like I said, I’m making some generalizations here, I am sure…
I wanted to update my TBR cart for fall and add in all the atmospheric books for autumn! I’m excited to pick my October TBR in my next video!
2020 has come to a close and I thought it would be fun to document reading my last book of the year and a few books I added to my January TBR. Plus I’m sharing some book-ish things I got for Christmas and my (accidental) plan to read the Bible in 60 days. …