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as the adoption journey continues

A huge thank you to all of those who sent messages on our recent adoption news. It makes the journey easier knowing we have people who are supporting us.

I have (once again) updated our adoption timeline to reflect the journey so far and the steps that we will be taking next.

Right now it seems like every little step is taking longer than anticipated. We are currently at the point where we are ready to send in our official contracts but at the same time we also need to include a large payment to our agency. Thankfully we do have the money but getting a money order in US dollars for such a large amount proved very hard to acquire.

Many people asked if we ended up losing money in the agency switch and the truth is; yes.

Money is a touchy thing to talk about when adopting because we do believe this is something God has called us to do and we do believe He will provide the finances (which He has every step of the way so far). But I also believe that one way (and there are many other ways) people can support others through the adoption process is by helping out financially, it’s the whole reason we started Once Was Lost.

I’m not sure if it’s pride or what it is exactly but we aren’t the type to just sit around asking for donations, we want to do something or sell something (haha, like our furniture, our house is starting to feel emptier . . .). And let me just say, I am so grateful that I am a teacher and have the opportunity to substitute teach -that has helped tremendously! But the fact is, in approximately 6 months we are going to need to send another large cheque to our agency and this last payment has wiped us out so we have a long way to go.

I’ve been selling mixed media canvases for the last year or so, mostly on Facebook to local friends but I’ve decided to open up an Etsy shop to hopefully reach a wider audience. I just started adding some canvases and have a few more ready that I need to put up and hopefully we can get a little closer to the payment amount that we will need.

Here are a couple that I have in the shop right now:

On a side note: I set up a Facebook page for my blog yesterday. I’ve been meaning to make one for awhile so I didn’t always share my blog posts on my own timeline, I’ll also be sharing some of the canvases I have for sale, if you are intersted in staying up-to-date feel free to join the page.

with love,


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  1. Hey Girl,

    So excited that you’re with an ethical adoption agency and that you guys are moving forward! I am sorry to hear you lost some money in the process of switching, and that it’s taking longer.

    The patience you need can only come from the limitless supply the Lord gives, and I’m praying you and Jared can draw from Him daily. But my heart does go out to you – this is a long road and it can’t be easy.

    I love everything you’re doing to raise funds, but do want to encourage you that it might be pride holding you back from asking people for straight up financial support, and to fight that with Biblical examples and truth that the local body of believers is supposed to aid one another in these sorts of situations! Paul was bold in asking for funds to reach people on missionary journeys, why shouldn’t you guys do the same in seeking to bring an orphan into a loving, Christian family?

    It is easier for me to say because Brad and I have raise our own support from Day 1 as we’ve worked for the parachurch and now as we’re church planters, but we’ve been through it all and have learned SO much and been SO blessed (and the givers have been blessed too!) by living this way and wouldn’t change it.

    Just something to consider if it comes to that and your Etsy sales and teaching funds aren’t enough. You’re a believer in community – you should be able to ask for help.

    Lots of love!

  2. Hey there 😉
    I so hear you friend!

    I love your canvases!!! That’s a great idea to offer on Etsy
    I know each step takes so long and does cost a lot emotionally and financially –
    I know God is holding our hands through each one though
    Many prayers and blessings

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