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a website, a book & a friend: a few things that changed my life

A website: Last spring I was feeling really down and discouraged, feeling like I wasn’t doing enough in my life to further the Kingdom of God, feeling like I had been called to do more but I wasn’t sure what. It was a really hard few months. One day I came across the Making Things Happen website via this post called Get Fired Up and Make Things Happen. That day I came across this quote: A year from now you will wish you had started today. Today is that day. I copied those words down onto a sticky note and put it up on my computer monitor, I decided then that it was time to stop wishing for things to happen and time to actually make things happen. Now, a year later, I really am glad that I started then!

A book: Fast forward a few months to the summer, I read a lot of books while Raeca was in the hospital and shortly after she got home. One of which was David Platt’s Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From the American Dream. I found that Radical not only inspiring but it also gave a list of five things to do to live a radical life (and I’m all about lists). One of the five challenges was to spend 2% of your time in the next year in Gospel ministry in a different context (2% of a year is approximately one week). The idea was that by spending 2% of your time in another context it would radically change the way you spent the other 98% of your time. As a result we booked tickets for a three week missions trip to Uganda and it also made us seriously consider adopting.

A friend: I’ve got a few friends around the world who I believe are truly living their lives in a way that glorifies God. They have taken the Great Commission as a command (which it is!) and are living it out. They say that you become the average of the five people that you spend the most time with so I have been trying to find some people to inspire and challenge me to live out the Great Commission like God intended. I’ve got some friends who have been doing some pretty great things so I would love to become the average!

What about you, what has changed your life and challenges you?


with love,

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One Comment

  1. I’m from Regina and I just came across your blog through a post on Project Babies Blog, such a small world! I look forward to reading about your journey!

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