an incomplete LIST of the 2023 READING CHALLENGES & READATHONS
I highly doubt that most blogging gurus would suggest naming a list blog post an incomplete one, but I’m not going to lie, this list will not include all the 2023 reading challenges out there. That just seems like setting myself up for failure.
Thus, an incomplete list.
I do plan on coming back to this list throughout the year as I come across new challenges but if you know of some coming up that I am unaware of, I would love for you to leave a comment below and I’ll add it to the list!
That all being said, I attempted to do this last year and completely failed. I plan to do better this year, please hold me to it!
If you like books and don’t already follow me on Instagram and YouTube I would love for you to follow along!
Also, if you would like reminders of upcoming readathons emailed to you weekly-ish, be sure to sign up for my bookish newsletter here.
** Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – this year’s challenge each of the prompts plays off of the book you read for the month before, be sure to check out the full post for details.
** Buzzwordathon – I joined in on this one last year and had a lot of fun with it! I believe these prompts always have to do with the words in the title.
** Read with Purpose – this reading challenge has different prompts for each month of the year where you are supposed to pick a fiction and non-fiction book to fit the prompts.
** Unlocking An Adventure – this one has some fun monthly themes!
** Build Your Library – the theme for the year is “adventures in science and nature” and there are 40 prompts
Here are the reading challenges and readathons for January:
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – a book that starts with “a” or “the”
Buzzwordathon – “life” and “death”
Read with Purpose – snow or white on the cover
Unlocking An Adventure – a book with spies
Read in the New Year – this readathon runs from January 1-7 and is hosted by Lovely Day with Holly and Oceana GottaReadEmAll
New Year New Reads – this readathon runs from January 9-15 and is hosted by A Book Like You, GabbingAboutBooks, Gwendolyn Kensinger and Season’sReadings.
Flannery O’January – this readathon runs through the entire month of January and is hosted by Beautiful Minutiae, Everyone Who Reads it Must Converse, Christy Luis – Dostoevsky in Space, A Musical Bookworm and The CodeX Cantina.
No Place Like Home Reading Challenge – hosted by Pages of Blessings this reading challenge runs through the month of January!
Around the World in 80 Days – this readathon runs from January 11-March 31st. This is hosted by Lovely Day with Holly and some other ladies. The plan is to read one book set in each country that Phileas Fogg visited (England, France, Italy, Egypt, Yemen, India, Singapore, China, Japan, USA and Ireland).
Intentional Homeschooling Kids Winter Reading Challenge – this reading challenge runs from January 15th – February 15th I created this challenge with kids in mind and it has a printable BINGO board and a giveaway.

Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – read a book where the cover or spine is in a complementary color from your January book
Buzzwordathon – verbs
Read with Purpose – friendship theme
Unlocking An Adventure – a book with the Underground Railroad
Around the World in 80 Days – this readathon runs from January 11-March 31st. This is hosted by Lovely Day with Holly and some other ladies. The plan is to read one book set in each country that Phileas Fogg visited (England, France, Italy, Egypt, Yemen, India, Singapore, China, Japan, USA and Ireland).
Intentional Homeschooling Kids Winter Reading Challenge – this reading challenge runs from January 15th – February 15th I created this challenge with kids in mind and it has a printable BINGO board and a giveaway.
Febregency – This readalong is hosted by BookishPrincess plus a host of others! Febregency is a month-long readalong running throughout the entire month of February celebrating the literature of Britain’s Regency period, from 1795 to 1837
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – the title has to start with the next letter in the alphabet from your February book
Buzzwordathon – “secret”
Read with Purpose – escape theme
Unlocking An Adventure – a book with a gold rush
Around the World in 80 Days – this readathon runs from January 11-March 31st. This is hosted by Lovely Day with Holly and some other ladies. The plan is to read one book set in each country that Phileas Fogg visited (England, France, Italy, Egypt, Yemen, India, Singapore, China, Japan, USA and Ireland).
Middle Grade March – running all month this challenge is hosted by Krista, Amanda, Katie, and Jenna. Plus they have a MGM Instagram account.
March Mystery Madness – they have tons of hosts/cohosts, the one I follow is Janelle from Too Fond of Books.
Let’s Get Graphic – a 24-hour readathon revolving around reading graphic novels. The one that I follow that is hosting this readathon is Keisha from A Book Like You.
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – read a book that is in a different genre than your March book
Buzzwordathon – emotions
Read with Purpose – flowers on the cover
Unlocking An Adventure – a book with a lawman hero
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – read a book that is longer than your April book
Buzzwordathon – flavors
Read with Purpose – pastels on the cover
Unlocking An Adventure – a book with exploration and pioneering
MontgomerMAY – I’m cohosting this reading challenge that revolves around Lucy Maud Montgomery and runs the month of May. This is the brainchild of Tiffany from Beautiful Minutiae. Novel iDeea, CourtneyReads, and Voyage of a Time Wanderer are also cohosting!
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – the title for your June book will have half as many letters as your May title
Buzzwordathon – “other”
Read with Purpose – adventure theme
Unlocking An Adventure – a book with a treasure hunt
Summer Book Bingo – Tiffany is hosting this for the third year in a row and for the first time I’ve decided to join in! The challenge runs from June 1st until August 31st.
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – set in a different country or world than your June book
Buzzwordathon – weather words
Read with Purpose – celebration theme
Unlocking An Adventure – a book focused with heroines in an unusual profession for their time
Summer Book Bingo – Tiffany is hosting this for the third year in a row and for the first time I’ve decided to join in! The challenge runs from June 1st until August 31st.
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – read a book that is the same genre as your July book
Buzzwordathon – body parts
Read with Purpose – academic theme
Unlocking An Adventure – a book with a bounty hunter
Summer Book Bingo – Tiffany is hosting this for the third year in a row and for the first time I’ve decided to join in! The challenge runs from June 1st until August 31st.
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – turning to page 50 in your August book (or 49 or 51 if your page 50 is blank) and your September book has to have one of the words from that page in the title
Buzzwordathon – game words
Read with Purpose – autumnal colors
Unlocking An Adventure – a time travel book
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – the title of your book will start with the first letter of the author’s last name from your September book.
Buzzwordathon – magic words
Read with Purpose – something that scares you
Unlocking An Adventure – a book with a medieval setting
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – a book from a different time period from your October book
Buzzwordathon – “good”
Read with Purpose – leaves and trees
Unlocking An Adventure – a book with an archeologist or paleontologist
Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – the book has to be within 20 pages of your November book
Buzzwordathon – sound related words
Read with Purpose – Christmas theme
Unlocking An Adventure – a Christmas book set somewhere you’ve never been
I’ll come back throughout the next few weeks and throughout the year and update the list!
In addition to yours, I’ve also been enjoying this one 🙂 :
I’ll add it in, thank you!
Another year-long reading challenge is the Build Your Library Challenge. It doesn’t have monthly prompts, but instead has 40 prompts that you can work to complete throughout the year.
And in February, a few people on YouTube are hosting FebRegency (I’m just leaving one linked below).
Thanks Charlene, I’ll update the list!