It’s Time to Simplify

Can I first just say how freeing this whole process has felt? It’s as though all the stuff I had wasn’t only taking up physical space in my house but also in my mind.
I shared that my goal was to get rid of 50-75% of my personal possessions and while it’s kind of hard to measure, I do feel as though I was successful.
One thing that was easy to measure was my reduction in my fabric stash, take a look at that photo above, I went from two of those big tubs filled with fabric (so full I couldn’t even close one of them) down to that tiny little wire basket. And the best part is, I have plans for most of the fabric in there.
Here are a few purging tips that have helped for me:
- do what works for you – for me that meant tackling one area at a time (a drawer, a closet, a room) and doing it at one time. I know for others it works better for them to get rid of 3-5 items per day. I just found that since my schedule has no routine to it some days I had no energy and others I wanted to get rid of stuff. Find what works for you and do that!
- don’t keep everything for sentimental reasons – I am the first to admit that I’m the worst for this, I can get sentimental about anything. I’ve come to realize it’s not the stuff I want to remember and cherish, it’s the memories. I think if you have a few sentimental things, that’s totally fine, but don’t let that be the reason you keep everything.
- find a good place for the stuff you are getting rid of – some of my stuff got donated, some I sold and some stuff I gave to friends. I shared a few weeks ago that I had some art supplies that were just too awesome to donate and I didn’t know anyone here that would use them, so I shipped it down to a friend who is a great artist, I know she’s going to make something beautiful with them.
- set a time limit – decide how long you want it to take you to purge. No matter what your method, you will want to be done purging at some point, I made the end of February my goal.
- ask for accountability – a few weeks ago I asked for accountability from you, that’s what really gave me the kick to get it done, nothing like trying to avoid embarrassment to complete a job!
That’s all for purging! Next week I will be sharing my tips for keeping your stuff to a minimum after you have purged.
Do you have any purging tips? I would love to hear them!
great tips because I really need to do this. I don’t know why but I tend to hold on to things and I need to stop that. No I’m not a total hoarder but a little mini one I guess. I tend to hold on to sentimental things and like 10 pairs of almost the same sunglasses haha.
Isn’t it funny to look at some of the things we hold on to? If you start purging let me know!
i need to do this!!!! thanks for the tips!
Yes, you can do it!
I like these tips. I had to laugh when I read #2 because I keep everyting for “memories”
Haha, guilty here too!
P.S. Your blog link isn’t in your Disqus profile – you should add it in!
Great tips! I love purging! It’s one of my favorite things! I’m always wanting to get rid of things.
I’m just a bit jealous, it doesn’t really come naturally for me.
great tips! we are gearing up for a move and I’m looking forward to getting rid of some things and really cluttering! Thanks for the tip.
Moving is always a good time to kick start a purge!
P.S. Your blog link isn’t in your Disqus profile!
I love this. My mom started getting rid of her collection of material and gave it to me. Add that to the collection I have and wow. However I am determined that I am going to make stuff with it this year. What I don’t use then I am hoping to donate in some way. (Even if I use it as rags. LOL)
Haha, yeah, it can be tough to go through it all. Last week I found that our local thrift store takes small pieces of fabric and send them away to get shredded down and they use them to fill some mattresses. I love that, then nothing goes to waste!
Oh I love that!! Great idea!!
How wonderful! I’m sure you feel so good now that you’ve purged!
Yes, for sure!! Though I still find myself wanting to get rid of more . . . I’ve created a monster!
Haha, at least I’m not the only one!
I love it! I am so proud of you! great advice!
Thanks, it feels great! Now I find that I can’t stop getting rid of stuff!
yeah! i just went through my art closet and got rid of half the things! I LOVE cleaning things out! I make trips to goodwill all the time. lol