MIDDLE GRADE MARCH TBR and possibility pile – maybe too many middle grade books
So, my TBR and possibility pile for Middle Grade March may be a little large . . . 🤭
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I thought it would be fun to think about the different things that I like to see/read in books and make a video so maybe you can all give me more good book recommendations!
I’m excited for the first half of the Hey Readerathon! This is my first time hosting a readathon and it’s been giving me the push to make sure I get a lot of reading in!
Today I’m sharing some potentially unpopular opinions about Christian romance novels. These are some things I’ve been convicted about in the last number of years and I would like to see a higher standard of Christian books being published in the next few years. Like I said, I’m making some generalizations here, I am sure…
A few weeks ago I set a personal goal for myself to read 12 classic novels this year. I realized that I was a huge bookworm as a teen but really didn’t read very many classics. I think Little Women was the only one I read by my own choice. In the last few years…
Did you know that books can not only be great to read but also gorgeous decor in a nursery? While I have no intentions of ever decorating a nursery ever again, I think these books would make cute gifts for any little girl’s room! 10 GORGEOUS BOOKS TO DECORATE A GIRLS ROOM We loved this…
A few weeks ago I thought this would be the first year in the last five or so that I didn’t have a word for the year, nothing was really sticking out to me, but that changed . . . I spend quite a bit of time thinking about my words for the year, usually…