updating my TBR CART for the NEW YEAR π lots of middle grade, mysteries and classics
My TBR cart has been looking a little sad lately and was in need of some books added to it!
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It’s time to share another year of reading prompts with the 2024 Read Your Bookshelf Challenge! I just did the math and this is year FIVE of the challenge, crazy! The Read Your Bookshelf Challenge is a fun challenge that always includes a $100 gift card giveaway. The video below has all the details for…
Grade two is such a fun age for read aloud novels! The books I’m sharing in today’s list are really good for a variety of ages. We’ve actually listened to six of them on audio this year while Raeca is in grade one, she enjoyed them and so did I. Some of the themes went…
Last month I started my first list of books I read the previous month, I’m excited to make this a monthly thing because it’s a nice review for me to see which books I read and think about why I enjoyed them. This month I am going to do something different and share the books…
I recently added a few more books to my collection so thought I would share a little book haul with you. This is probably the smallest book haul I’ve ever done but that’s okay, it gives me a chance to read the books I have! Get $10 off your first order from Book Outlet using…
I definitely have a problem with requesting all the interesting sounding books from the library. For the last couple of months I’ve been doing a separate library TBR and this in my November TBR – library edition!
We are on a serious funny book kick around here. We all enjoy laughing out loud to some really great books. We’ve come across some really good ones recently and just had to share. If you missed it you can check out our first list of funny picture books here. Do you have any funny…