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Twenty-Eight Things – Final Update

And just like that another year has come and gone. Next week marks my entrance into the final year of my twenties.

For the last few years I’ve been making a list around my birthday of things I’d like to accomplish throughout the year. I purposely put some easy items on so I can cross them off as well as some that I doubt I will get to but I like to dream ๐Ÿ™‚

Before I share this years list of twenty-nine things I thought I’d share how last years list of twenty-eight things went:

1. travel to South Africa and complete our adoption – boo yeah! you can read that post here.


2. have professional photos taken of our family of four – nope, not yet, definitely happening this summer though

3. move – yes! we actually did twice. first into a rental while our place was finished being built and then here! into my bright white house!


4. start something Iโ€™ve dubbed the hospitality project – yes! I originally planned to share a lot more of our hospitality on here but realized that would prevent me from being as hospitable (because then I would think everything would have to be perfect).


5. get my 2013 photobook printed – nope, that’s going to be added to my twenty-nine list including my 2014 photobook and one for South Africa . . .

6. go on a three month spending freeze – I didn’t keep track exactly but I did go quite awhile

7. go camping – yes, we spent a week at Rowan’s Ravine and a few days at Candle Lake last summer


8. run a 5K – haha yes, and I vowed never to do it again


9. photograph my grandparents and document some of their stories – I’ve been doing a pretty good job at the photographing but I would like to do a little better on the documentation of their stories. I did post a little about my Grandma


10. register for a bloggers conference – unfortunately, no

11. photograph at least one dessert/meal/food item a month – I started out doing this but then got too lazy

12. start growing my own herbs again, and actually use them – yes! basil grows like crazy and I need more uses for it. my rosemary grows slowly and I need more of it ๐Ÿ™‚

13. find a place to start volunteering again – this didn’t happen, I’ve been too busy with Ephraim ๐Ÿ™‚

14. eat more real food – I think so!

15. teach Raeca all her letter sounds – yes!

16. go on at least six dates with Jared – ha, this seems like it should have been so easy but it was a complete and utter fail. I’d guess we went on three

17. go to Europe โ€“ I threw this one in here in case our adoption didn’t go through, but since it did there is no way this could have happened!

18. make some amazing gluten free bread or buns – after many, many attempts we did find a pretty good recipe! I’ll have to share it some time.

19. get a clear idea of what I want this space to look like and be about and write it down – this is ever changing, just like my life so it will continue to be tidbits here and there

20. buy Raeca an amazing birthday cake this year – this girl loves her birthday so much and I felt bad that we weren’t even around for most of it this year (we had an adoption meeting 3 hours away to go to), but I did make her a cake with a pink marshmallow icing and she loved it.

21. eat more meals outside – we definitely did last summer!

22. get a globe – no! I kept forgetting to look for one ๐Ÿ™

23. go on five day/weekend trips around Saskatchewan – we did! we saw the lighthouse at Cochin, spent a day at Martins Lake, spent another day at Waskesiu Lake, tented at Rowan’s Ravine, and then Candle Lake, and then I caught my first fish at Clark Lake.


24. decorate our master bedroom – ha! actually we ended up deciding to finish our basement this spring and instead of our mater bedroom turning into a relaxing place it has become our basement storage. BUT within the next few months we should be able to move everything out and then I’ll work on decorating it!

25. take a class – hmm, kind of, I have been reading through this free hand lettering series

26. write another ebook – um, nope

27. set a profit goal for the blog to help with the adoption costs – well, the adoption is done so this one is kind of not applicable any more!

28. keep dreaming – always ๐Ÿ™‚

That gets me a tally of 16/28 this year for a whopping 57% haha (though that blows last years 40% out of the water!). I find this year I’m not disappointed about most of the things I didn’t accomplish but rather just that my goals and priorities changed, that actually seems to be the case almost every year.

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