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My Goals for 37

I forgot how old I was for an entire year & my birthday goals

I had a birthday (two months ago) and this entire last year I thought I was thirty-seven. It turns out I was thirty-six and I turned thirty-seven in May.

So, now it feels like I haven’t even aged, that’s a win!

(But this does make me a little concerned, if I’m having this problem now, where am I going to be at in ten or twenty years? Do I have early-onset Alzheimer’s? If so, the onset happened about twenty years ago.)

Anyway, every year I like to set a bunch of goals on/around my birthday.

I have actually had this list written up for the past two months but just haven’t shared it, and I need to share it because I depend on this site to help me remember things (more signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s?).

If you are interested in my past birthday goals you can see my goals for: thirty-six, thirty-five, thirty-four, thirty-three, thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven, and twenty-six.

Wow, I’ve been doing this for awhile! And I’m sure I made goals for the other years, I just didn’t make blog posts for them. I think I need to do some reflecting on all these years of goals!

Wait. I just realized I had the same problem when I was twenty-six that I had when I was thirty-six. Will I have the same problem at forty-six???

How about we get on to the goals that I’ve set for the year I am thirty-seven (and actually thirty-seven, not thirty-six thinking I’m thirty-seven), as always, there’s a lot of variety in the goals.


(They are not really in any particular order and are just numbered for fun.)

01 – read some Elizabeth Goudge

Of course, there has to be at least one bookish goal on here!

Spoiler: there’s more than one.

A lot of people I admire really like Elizabeth Goudge’s writing so I want to give her a try. I found two of her books in a thrift store this spring and I know that Sally Clarkson’s favorite book by her is Pilgrim’s Inn, unfortunately, that was not one of the ones I found.

02 – be a beauty maker

This has come up in a variety of different places for me lately and I really do think that God has given women the desire to beautify things. I can’t say that I’m as good at it as some but I would like to work on getting better at it.

03 – learn color grading & more intense editing

I’ve put this off for a few years but I think this is the year I would like to give it a try!

04 – renew our passports

Haha, I kinda forgot this was on here, I just did this yesterday!

05 – set up a bookish/introvert item shop

I’m actually still torn on this one but it’s one I’m thinking about. I’ve sold some bookish shirts before and I think I’d like to do it again and branch out a bit.

06 – own less TBR books

Ideally, I would like to have less than 100 unread books that I own. It may be a tad unrealistic.

07 – declutter and downsize all the things

I think this one is pretty self explanatory. And yes, that even includes my read books.

08 – stop procrastinating

Got tips? I’ll take them! This is something I would like to get better at.

09 – spend less, go free when possible, borrow, thrift, just don’t steal

I see thrifting like treasure hunting and I would like to reduce my spending as much as possible, as you can see above, I want to do it in legal ways.

10 – create/find a plan for reading Spurgeon sermons

I got the full volume set of Spurgeon’s sermons for my birthday a few years ago and I started reading them and then got overwhelmed. I want to figure out a good way to go through them.

And there you have it, those are my goals for thirty-seven!

I am continually thinking of more goals so it’s a good thing I set goals three times a year, New Years, my birthday and September. My brain still likes to set goals at the start of the academic year even though it’s been years since I was in university.

So, only two more months until my next goal setting session!

If you set birthday goals or goals at other times of the year I would love to hear what’s on your list and how often you set goals.

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