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there have been a few changes in life

It’s been awhile since an official blog post, apparently my YouTube videos were attempting to auto post here but failing miserably.

So, let’s be brief, here’s what’s been happening:

APRIL: Jared became a pastor/elder in our church! It’s been in the making for awhile but it still feels a little surreal.

MAY: our little foster kiddos, R2D2 and BB8, unexpectedly came back into our lives. We signed papers back in January to quit being foster parents so now we are technically “alternate care”, which just means that we are foster parents but get much less money for it.

ALSO IN MAY: two big things happened for Raeca: first, she self published a beautiful novella about foster care called Lone Wolf. Then, near the end of the month she was baptized! I’m so proud of her, you can watch her baptism video here.

With everything that’s happened I am now back to using my personal YouTube channel, I’d love to have you join me there! I’ve been so inspired to start sharing there again and have a list a mile long of videos I would like to do.

There are also more big life updates coming down the road, stay tuned!

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