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My Goals for 33

Since my birthday was nearly two months ago I figured this would be a good time to share my goals for the year.

I like to set goals each year at the beginning of the year and around my birthday, though I always go for a longer list of goals on my birthday and generally include some simple ones and some that I probably won’t reach.

I like to dream big and imagine possibilities and I like my goals to reflect that.

Though, apparently if I take two months to actually share my goals some are completed or in the process of and some I’ve already decided to change or completely cross off, such is life!

Curious about previous birthday goal lists? You can see my goal lists for twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, and thirty. (And then apparently I went goal-less for two years before thirty-three.)


1) something big – so I’m not really being vague here to be mysterious, this “something big” has changed a few times in the last six months so I thought if I intentionally left it to be a fairly broad goal I would have a better chance of being able to check it off, so that’s where it stands for now.

2) increase my online income – I feel very fortunate to be able to make some money from my online hobbies/endeavors and I would like to see if I could increase it more in the next year.

3) actually live radically for Christ

4) get outside more

5) kingdom school the kids – pretty much I just want to teach my kids to live with eternity in mind.

6) get rid of stuff/live smaller

7) give more

8) pick a word of the month – well, I’ve already been failing this one . . .

9) have evenings in the backyard

10) bake some good gluten free bread – let me know if you have a good recipe!

11) take a class online

12) go on five Saskatchewan adventures – where should we go?

13) keep a nature journal

14) learn to sketch and/or watercolor

15) find a handicraft

16) study the Bible

17) go on a trip in the winter

18) make a plan for the front and side of the yard

19) —- I already decided not to do what I had written down for this goal

20) write a line a day – I got this journal for Mother’s Day and have been really enjoying it

21) figure out a topic for a book – though honestly, I don’t think I’m there yet

22) buy a fireplace – before you get grand visions, I am thinking a tiny, portable fireplace, aka cheap. But, I figure if we’re going to live in such a cold province I may as well get a little comfortable.


And that’s where my goals currently stand for the year! Since it took me so long to write them out here and there have been a number of changes I’m contemplating having a continual goal list for the future where I can just continually add, remove and check off my goals as I go through life.

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One Comment

  1. I love this! And happy belated birthday! I’ll have to use this when my birthday comes around – we’re 33 together for a few months now!

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