Because I have found our adoption timeline so helpful, both to point people to when they want to know more about our adoption journey, and for myself when the details start to get fuzzy, I thought I should start a foster care timeline.
Want to read more about our foster care journey? You can read all the posts here.
Have questions about fostering? You can check out my (currently new) Foster Care Q&A Series.
Foster Care Timeline
May-June – started looking into international adoption again, but the door kind of closed so we decided to pursue foster care
June – emailed for more information about fostering
July 9 – a social worker came to our house for a foster care informational meeting
July 12 – sent off our official application
July 18 – got the call that we were accepted into the approval process, started online training
August 13 – September 18 – we had five home study visits with our social worker (and continued to do online training in between)
September 21 – took a trauma training class
September 28 – took an Indigenous cultural training class
September 18 – current – our social worker is writing our home study up to give to her supervisor for approval
September – current – we are completing the home safety items we need to get done for approval (and moving Raeca down to a bedroom in the basement to open up a room for foster children)
October 16 – had (and passed) our final safety check
October 17 – signed the home study and were officially an approved foster home by the end of the day
October 23 – we got our first placement, two boys who I am calling Buzz and Woody online
February 7 – Buzz and Woody are quite suddenly reunited with their birth family
February 10 – we decided to change our range of acceptance for our next placement
February 13 – we got another placement, a seventeen month old we’re dubbing R2D2
March 27 – we said yes to another placement, a little girl we’re calling Cece
May 8 – Cece moved on to another foster home
February 4 – our one exception happened and R2D2 got a sidekick, BB8
February 13 – we hit one year with R2
November 4 – BB8 went home (and then later returned for a week and went back again)
January 4 – R2D2 went home (and it took awhile for things to be official)
March 23 – R2D2 and BB8 are back!
July 27 – we’ve added another one
September 16 – R2D2 and BB8 went home
September 21 – our other little guy left our home
November 18-21 – R2 & BB8 came over for a planned weekend sleepover
December 13 – we closed our home for fostering
December 30 – R2 & BB8 came for an unplanned sleepover for an unknown length of time
January 9 – R2 & BB8 left (again)