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Goal Check-in: Quarter one

goal check-in: quarter one

Since the first quarter of the year is over I thought it would be a good time to check in with the goals that I set at the beginning of the year.

I know some goals are going much better than others, maybe this will give me the push I need to get going with them, or the okay to cross a few off.

Let’s see how I am doing . . .


write 200 poems – uhhhh, I think I’ve written six, so, definitely not doing so well here!

self publish a poetry book – see above, this may not happen.

whiten my teeth – I did a bit but I think I’ll need to do it a few times.

shop more at small businesses – I’ve started out pretty strong with this one.

bike and walk more locally in the summer – this hasn’t happened yet, there is still a bit too much snow for me to pull my bike out.

initiate going out for coffee with friends ten times – I’ve done quite well here, 4/10 done already! And I hope to keep going if I hit ten early in the year, this was to just start the habit again.

make and order a 2022 photobook – not yet

study Revelation – haven’t done this one yet either

get a haircut – yes, I did this one in January!

attempt to like raw peppers – I don’t like them yet but I am eating them a little here and there . . .


switch to this website for all my blogging – this is something I decided to not do. I did give up the Hey Reader blog but I’m keeping my homeschool stuff over at Intentional Homeschooling.

go back to old school blogging – it hasn’t been a ton but the posts I’ve shared here have definitely been more old school in content, I mean, I did write a currently post recently, it doesn’t get much more old school than that.

figure out if I want a BookTube tier on Patreon – I’ve decided to just add some BookTube Talk videos to my Windy Poplars tier over on Patreon.

figure out if I want a postcard tier on Patreon – I’m not going to do this one.

hit 15,000 subscribers on BookTube – I hit 10,000 subscribers in February and with my current growth rate this will not happen. But who knows, I’ve been changing how I post videos in the last month (less videos but longer ones) and I’m curious to see if that changes growth at all. At the very least it’s giving me a little more time to work on some other projects.

hit 10,000 followers on Instagram – I wish I would have written how many followers I started with at the beginning of the year but the growth has been s.l.o.w. so slow that I don’t think I will focus on this goal. I’ll still post to Instagram every now and then but it’s not going to be a priority.

get my Patreon to 100 – the community is growing! The growth is slow but it is trending upwards.

get more personal in my vlogs – I would say that I’m liking the trajectory of my videos from this last month. Two of my favorites have been this Little Free Library tour and my spring TBR cart update.

self-publish a poetry book with the kids – I thought I had copies of old poems we had written and I have yet to find these. If I can find them I would still like to do this, otherwise I may scrap this goal.

build my homeschool membership to 350+ – the membership is really growing! This is a definite possibility.

Goal Check-in: Quarter one


complete the 2023 Read Your Bookshelf Challenge – so far I am on track to do so!

keep my monthly TBR’s to a seven book maximum – in March I ditched this goal but I think I’ve done it each of the other months.

read 25 NetGalley books – I have read five so far, I guess I’ll need to pick up the pace a bit to hit this one but not by much.

read seven classics from my list – I’ve only read one, I got into a classics slump but I’m hoping to remedy that this month.

post at least five videos that are more “creative” in content or filming – I feel like this should have been under “business goals” but oh well. Yes, I think I’ve already done this. I guess it depends what a person calls “creative” but like I already mentioned, I’ve been enjoying the direction my channel has been going.

read seven books that are 500+ pages – I’ve only finished one so far but I have one on my TBR for this month and I’m hopeful I’ll complete this goal.

read ten books by Enclave publishing – I’ve read three so far and have another one I would like to get to this month.

read ten non-fiction books – I think I have four completed with about five on the go.

break up with the library for a season – I didn’t really use the library in January or February (for myself, I did still use it for homeschool and the kids) and I’m pretty sure it made me spend more money. I think if anything I need to break up from buying books for awhile.

So there you have it, that’s how the goals are all going! How are your goals for the year so far?

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One Comment

  1. One of my goals was to get my list if books I want to read down to 40 (not including sequels and Agatha Christie). I’m currently hovering around 60 and definitely adding books faster than I read them. However, I have managed to read 2 books per prompt for the Read Your Bookshelf Challenge, so far.

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