updating my TBR CART for the NEW YEAR π lots of middle grade, mysteries and classics
My TBR cart has been looking a little sad lately and was in need of some books added to it!
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Well, I saved some kind of boring books for the end of this month but I’m thankful I can now start my October TBR!
I highly doubt that most blogging gurus would suggest naming a list blog post an incomplete one, but I’m not going to lie, this list will not include all the 2023 reading challenges out there. That just seems like setting myself up for failure. Thus, an incomplete list. I do plan on coming back to…
I got a decent amount of reading in during the month of June! I managed to read my entire June TBR and more! Come along for this reading wrap up and reading vlog where I share what I all read (and what I thought of them)! I love for you to sign…
I definitely have a problem with requesting all the interesting sounding books from the library. For the last couple of months I’ve been doing a separate library TBR and this in my November TBR – library edition!
We’ve been reading so many good picture books lately I wanted to share a few more that I think are ones that are just generally great to have in your personal collection. I find each of these books fun to read with my kids and I don’t mind reading them again and again (a requirement…
I think I was pretty successful at the Hey Reader-athon readathon week! I managed to read books for each of the prompts and even did double of one of the prompts.